Christmas Cactus in Bloom

Christmas Cactus in bloom

Christmas Cactus in bloom



My Christmas Cactus is just blooming away.  Those flowers are sure a pretty pink color.  I really need to re-pot it this coming spring into a larger container, I’m pretty sure it’s probably root bound.   I have a friend in TN that has a really large Christmas Cactus but she has potted it in a larger container ;P. 


My church had a talent show last night.  I took my spinning wheel and demonstrated spinning and had samples of fiber and spun yarn and items that I had knit from the hand spun yarn.  It went over well.  I had fun and saw some awesome talents from the other members, singing, instrument playing, skits, jokes, it was all good.  I love the talent shows. 🙂

**Thanks son, it does look better :).

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