Hermione’s Everyday Socks Started!

I did get started on the Hermione’s Everyday Socks :).  This is my 3rd pair of socks and  I am knitting them two at a time, so I have the cuffs done for both and will be working on the legs for each now, that way I’m less likely to have 2nd sock syndrome (where you finish one sock and put off indefinitely doing the 2nd one :P, tho I haven’t had that problem.)   I keep telling myself these are for me but I might save them as a gift for Christmas, who knows :).  My enjoyment is really in the knitting :). I am a process knitter, I just love the process of knitting, it is my stress relief.  I’m always thinking about what I should start next before I’m done so I have something else to start when the piece I’m working on is finished but I don’t like to start things before I’m done with what I’m working, tho I have been known to do that occasionally.  Most knitters have a lot of things started, but I don’t usually have more than 2 or sometimes 3 things started (and usually only because I have to have something done on a time line)  It stresses me out to have too many things on my needles.  Are you a process or production knitter?