Happy Easter – 2011

He is Risen!


Spring is my favorite time of year as new life begins to bloom and trees and grass take on their beautiful green colors, wipeing away the dreary winter.  One of my favorite things about Spring is Easter and the Atonement and Resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   How blessed I feel to know that I can repent and try again when I make mistakes and that because Christ rose from the dead, that there will be a resurrection for all of us.

The youth speaker today told a very powerful story that gave a simple example of the atonement.  I found it already written out on this blog.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Wishing everyone a blessed and wonderful Easter Day.

2nd Comfort Shawl Update & General Conference

2nd Comfort Shawl Update - click picture for larger image


Here is the newest picture.  It’s coming right along and looks pretty good so far, it is not blocked in this picture.  I promise I will post the instructions as soon as I am finished so I can make sure all the kinks are worked out.  I’m sure it will be at least several weeks out before I’m finished with this shawl.  I’ve been able to knit on it a lot the last two days as General Conference is this week end and I do have the BYU channel on my cable here.  So I’ve been able to sit on my couch and knit as I listen to the Prophet, his Counselors, the quorum of the 12 Apostles and the other General Authorities of the Church speak.  It has been wonderfully uplifting, a spiritual feast which has been so needed.  I have looked forward more than usual for several months to General Conference in anticipation of the spiritual uplift and peace it always brings to me.  What a blessing my tesitmony is in my life, knowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth again, with living prophets and apostles and their living testimony of the Savior.  

With all the upheaval in the world today, natural disasters and personal burdens and turmoil – I wish you his peace.

The Bus Ride

Well while my foot is healing I had been getting rides from a co-worker, but she isn’t able to take me anymore so for the past few weeks I’ve been riding the bus.  I have to get up earlier and it gets me to work about 30 min early, which is fine – I’d rather be early than late.  Usually it is pretty boring, except for some unusual people who ride occasionally.  However yesterday on the way home we were about a block from my work and had to stop for a train.  There was a tractor trailer (aka Big Rig), from the local community college for training new tractor trailer drivers, coming the other way also stopped.  All of a sudden it started rolling onto the track with the train coming.  All of us in the bus were “Oh my gosh!!”  Pretty quick the student driver jumped out of the truck and the instructor got the truck restarted and was pulling it off the tracks while the train was stopping and the student driver ran in front of the truck just before the truck got off the track.  He made it to the sidewalk but I thought “DANG!!”  I’m sure he failed that test!!!  He’s lucky to be alive.  Everyone on the bus was talking about that for the next 30 min (takes me about 40 mins to get to work and to get home in the evenings, but only 15 mins in my car)  Then just before we got to my stop a pick up truck ran a stop sign and almost hit the bus as we were turning.  I told the bus driver as I got off that it had been a really interesting ride that day.