Memorial Day 2023

I give special reverence to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for what they loved, a free and safe country for their families and all of us. May we honor them in all we do and may we always remember that freedom has a price and keep this country free and safe in their honor. Prayers said for their families.

American the Beautiful

Hummingbird Feeder – Birds? And Knitting Update.

Well not hummingbirds, but other birds seem to find it inviting even if they can’t eat from it, sigh. I think they are probably just waiting for my neighbor to take down her flowers and put up the bird feeder lol, so in the meantime they are just hanging out.

Update on my Flax baby sweater by Tin Can Knits. Just one more sleeve to go! At least the baby sweater sleeves don’t take as long as the adult sleeves! This will look better when it’s blocked. Hope my friend is surprised with this gift for her new grandson when I get this sent off to her :).

Hummingbird Feeder

I have been going to do this for 4 or 5 years. Last year I finally bought a feeder and some hummingbird food but didn’t get the hanging pole because it’s on my balcony and I needed to figure out how to attach it to my balcony railing and with the bird flu they were saying not to feed the birds, sigh, but I needed to figure out how to attach the pole anyway. Yeah took me a year lol. So here it is, and my neighbor’s flower pot hanging off her balcony makes a perfect background. It looks a little weird because I took it through my screen, oh well. I saw one hummingbird yesterday, so I hope more will come. The liquid is clear tho the bottle is red because they are attracted to red but I know we are not suppose to use red food coloring. I love Spring!!