Memorial Day 2015

In Memory of our Fallen Heroes

In Memory of our Fallen Heroes

I give a special reverence to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for what they loved, a free and safe country for their families and all of us.    May we honor them in all we do and may we always keep this country free and safe in their honor.  I also want to thank all those who are now serving or have served, in any of the branches of the Armed Services, for your love of freedom and for being willing to serve us and your country without regard for your own lives, you’re all heroes to me. May we always remember that Freedom has a price and all those that have paid that price.

Spinning at the Park 2015 – Again


Alpaca - 5-15

Alpaca – 5-15

Yes, I did get out to the park yesterday afternoon to spin again, but oops once again I forgot my camera, sigh :(.  So I took this picture at my house after getting back, sorry.  It was a beautiful day at the park, there was some kind of a birthday party going on, but I didn’t set up to spin in that area.  Was a little bit breezy but all in all a beautiful day.

I’m almost done with this spool of singles, so I will be starting my 2nd spool soon in anticipation of plying and having yarn for a nice hat for my dad for his birthday :).

We have had a ton of rain this year (I’m sure California is wishing they had some of it, and to be honest, if I could send some of it down there I would :P).  It makes everything green and beautiful, but I would love to have a few more sunny dry days :).