Murphy’s Law – ARRRGGGG


Ok the day is just beginning but it’s already been a Murphy’s law day.  I work at the Family History Center this morning and I babysit on Monday-Wednesday mornings.  I have time, barely, to get from the babysitting, back home to eat and finish getting ready and then to the Family History Center.  This morning the dad (who works days) as he was leaving for work forgot to the let the dogs out to go to the bathroom (they are in cages at night to prevent accidents and a knocked over kitchen trash can) and I will usually let them out when he forgets because I feel bad for the dogs.  However, the mom (who works nights) has planted a garden and if the dogs are let out they have to be watched so they wont dig it up.  If only you knew where I am going with this.  I didn’t let the dogs out because getting two small children bathed, fed, dressed, teeth brushed, lunch made and off on the school bus takes my full attention.  The biggest dog (of course)  had an accident in the cage, which is in the kitchen, sigh.  The little kindergartener did not want to go into the kitchen, lol, not that I blame him, but that meant I needed to let the dogs out, watching over them or not.  I do not have time, nor did I want to clean out that cage :P.  While all this is going on the lady that reads the water meter came in the back yard and was a bit intimidated by the dog – so I had to come out and hold him so she could read the meter, all this time I’m thinking, are they going to miss the bus?  They made the bus and I sent a text to the mom (who I was hoping would be home before I left so I could tell her in person) saying I’m sorry that I couldn’t put the dog back in the cage and it was a mess and I hope he didn’t tear up her garden.  And I am sitting at work (on a break) enjoying some peace and quite and wondering who will be in trouble tonight, it wont be me, I’m family and I do this without any compensation lol.   I made the sign above and will print a copy to give her to put on her door for the future to let “Murphy” know he is not welcome in her house.

Memorial Day – 2014

In Memory of our Fallen Heroes

In Memory of our Fallen Heroes

I give a special reverence to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for what they loved, a free and safe country for their families.    May we honor them in all we do and may we always keep this country free and safe in their honor.  I also want to thank all those who are now serving or have served, in any of the branches of the Armed Services, for your love of freedom and for being willing to serve us and your country without regard for your own lives, you’re all heroes to me. May we always remember that Freedom has a price and all those that have paid that price.

Spring! & Spinning at the Park

Blueberry Bush

Blueberry Bush


I have been going to put a little garden on my patio for several years now.  Last year I finally broke down and bought 2 large pots and 3 small rectangular potting boxes (you can see part of them in the picture on the left)  and didn’t get the soil for planting, lol.  This year I bought the soil and mulch and started, inside, two squash plants (a zucchini and a yellow squash).  They are officially growing and planted out in the pots.  For Mother’s Day I received a potted blueberry bush – which I had wanted for a couple of years but it wasn’t in my budget, it is shown in the picture at the left.  I have planted spinach in the rectangular boxes and am very excited about having some fresh veggies this summer ;).

I forgot to take my camera out today when I went to the park to spin but you can see the park here from another year.  I try to get out to the park once or twice in the spring to spin.   After being cooped up inside most of the winter, it was wonderful spinning in the shade of the lovely large trees and  was beautiful and with all the green grass and the leaves on the trees, and the temperature was absolutely perfect, such a wonderful peaceful thing to do. 🙂