Happy Thanksgiving Day

Waldorf Salad


 This was what I made for the Thanksgiving dinner I attended today.  Good stuff 🙂 

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day some good food, family, friends and football games :).  Oh yeah the Cowboys won today :).

Snow is here 2013

November 11th – First Snow


  Well, we had our first snow, was only ground cover and didn’t stick to the streets as you can see in the picture on the left, on November 11th.  We had a similar ground cover snow the next week.  I woke up this morning to some real snow, not alot of snow (about 1/2 to 1 inch) but it did cover the ground and the street.  The city has it’s snow plows out and the stores are plowing parking lots.   Ok the first few snows are all right, pretty, etc, etc, etc.  HOWEVER, it’s cold and the snow doesn’t stay a pretty pristine white.  It gets grey and dirty and that is what the winter will look like alot as the winter drags on. sigh.  Is it Spring yet?


Newer Car!!!

Yep, I got a newer car (9 years younger than my little red putt putt).  A friend of mine (the one I walk with on Monday and Thursday evenings) and her husband got new cars and had this one sitting arournd.  They told me they would like to give it to me, but I’m stubborn and proud and told them I would take it if they would let me pay something for it.  Wasn’t much that I had to give them but it was something and now I have a newer car that I don’t have to worry about needing fixed all the time. 🙂  It has the key device  that you can unlock it from a distance and it has power windows and a radio that works :), I feel like I’ve moved up in the world, lol.  It drives smoothly and I have to say the color is one of my favorites :).  What a blessing my friend is. 

I’ve been teaching in Primary for about 4 1/2 years in my ward.  I got a new calling on Sunday, Compassonate Service Co-ordinator.  I’ve served in many positions in my church but have never filled this calling before.  I know a little about what to do, not alot, I know it’s not one that most people covet :P, but I like people and I like helping, so I’m hoping I will be more of a blessing to others in this calling than a burden as I learn.

Veterans Day

Veteran's Day

For our Veterans

Afganistan isn’t on this old picture, but please note that those veterans are certainly included!  I would like to take a moment to thank all those veterans who fought in the various wars and “police actions” for our freedom.   Thank you for your service, and thank you to your families for allowing you to do that.

*Rant warning, if you might be offended, please do not read*

Patriotism seems to be dwindling among people in this country and I find it very sad that the pledge of allegiance isn’t said in many schools and some people don’t pay any respect to the flag when the pledge is said – what happened to respect?  Why are our local governments opposed to showing patriotism (because it might offend someone?)?  And many do not even know the national anthem.  We should be proud of our Country, it allows us freedom to choose, freedom of religon, freedom to speak our minds and many other things.  It does not guarentee us the previlege to be rich, only the freedom to pursue that, if that is what we want.  It does not guarentee that we will not be offended – only that we have the right to voice our opinion.   We are not all the same, some are smarter, some are braver, some are more sensitive, some are more pragmatic , some are more creative, but we all have something to contribute to making this country great.  It would be very boring indeed if we were all the same, please note I’m not talking diversity in the way our goverment does, because we need to pull together instead of all the divisive attitudes we have today, if we don’t we will continue to be country in conflict and there is a scripture that says “….Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth” St Luke 11:17.  There is much truth in that, even if you are not religious.  If you don’t like this country, I urge you to find one that suits you so you can be happy, please DO NOT change mine, I like it the way it is.