Memorial Day 2020

memorial day

I give a special reverence to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for what they loved, a free and safe country for their families and all of us.    May we honor them in all we do and may we always remember that freedom has a price and keep this country free and safe in their honor.

May the 4th Be With You!

May the 4th

I almost forgot to post this today!  After Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, days just seem to swirl together as I try to figure out what day it is during the middle of the week, let alone remember the dates.

I have been wanting to switch rooms for my bedroom and craft room for quite a while, but lots of heavy stuff to move and it just seemed to daunting.  But I got a little help from a family member who was more than eager to come to my house one day last week and get out of his own for a while, lol.  I got the rooms switched!!  The “old” bedroom was large and had lots of natural light, the “old” craft room was small and the window was on the wrong wall to get the lots of natural light I need for sewing.  I like the rooms switched much better, but now I will have weeks of sorting and pitching or boxing up, rearranging and getting it just the way I want and to be less cluttered, lol.  It’s ok tho, I have decided to spend about an hr in the craft room everyday working on the sorting and de-cluttering, as the clutter will drive me crazy until it’s all sorted out, but I am already happier :).

I had to find someone else to make bobbins for my Rick Reeves wheel as the last ones I had made from a furniture maker didn’t work out.  The person, I’m getting them from now, makes them for others and knows exactly how they need to be.  He said they should be made and ready to ship by the 15th, I’m excited to get the bobbins so I can make some 2 ply yarn on it.

Hope you all are getting out in the sun a bit, I have been spinning or knitting on my balcony on the days the sun shines on it. 🙂  It’s so peaceful to be out there in the sun, listening to the birds or wind chimes.