Newest Cria is Here :)

Kitchi (Native American name from the Algonquian tribe) it means brave. He was born a couple of days ago but my son and his spouse (who is also Native American) were busy with him, his mom is a first time mom and he had a small problem when he was born, his ankle is unstable and he couldn’t stand, so because he couldn’t stand to drink from mom, they bottle fed him some colostrum and continued bottle feeding him because they had him and mom separated from the herd in a barn in a stall, the rest were all close loose in the barn and could touch noses, but she was distressed because she was kinda sorta separated so they feed him through the night and the next day they put a splint on him while his ankle heals. He is now nursing from his mom.

The first picture is the clearest of him. His coloring is striking with the black head and his legs are also black but the rest of him is the cinnamon color, so pretty. The second picture is Finn (the cria born 2 weeks ago) checking him out now that Kit (his nick name) and his mom are no longer separated from the herd, Kit is laying down. If you click the picture it should enlarge and show the whole picture. I was going to put a video up of him walking around with his splint but I would have to upgrade my Word Press acct to do that and since this is the first and probably the only video I would post, I didn’t see the point :P. One more cria is due, should be here in Sept :).

Getting ready for another heat wave to start on Saturday through next Wed with some 96 degree days, not sure what the heat index will put the feels like temp at, sigh. Is it fall yet?

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last vestiges of Summer.

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