Spinning a Tweed Yarn

This was going to be one of my Tour de Fleece spins but I didn’t get to it before the end of the Tour de Fleece, so I decided I really did still want to spin it, so here we go. This is the Pop Rox from Camaj Fiber Arts and it says it is a blend of soft South American wool and viscose bits. I did a search for South American wool and there are several breeds, merino being one and I am going to guess this blend has a lot of merino in it because it is very soft! I am fascinated with the tweed fibers for spinning. They spin thicker (probably a dk or worsted weight when done) and I like to knit with with the thinner yarns (sock yarn and sport weight) but I just love the tweed look. I can hardly wait to see what the yarn looks like when I’m finished :). No clue what I want to use it for, there is 4oz so maybe a hat, but I can make a decision when I see the yarn spun up :). If you like this fiber you can find it here . Right now it’s a pre-order order for a lb and is on sale for $52 a lb. I bought it when they had it in a smaller batch to see if it would be popular enough to order larger quantities. It was :P. Maybe next month I will order a lb myself to make a hat and scarf to match for a grand daughter :), I am loving this.

Still waiting for the last cria to make an appearance. Hoping for a female with grey fiber ;).

Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather after those hot oppressive humid days just a few weeks ago! I sure am!!

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